頂級英文名師 Dr. Paul Hill

九十年代享負盛名之頂級英文名師 Dr. Paul Hill,憑至強實力和精湛課程,已助無數同學於會考及高考英文科取得卓越佳績。

踏入2008年,Dr. Paul Hill 再度復出,強勢加盟本校,配合本校至強實力和幹勁,再度為同學提供最強英文補習課程,助同學於會考及高考中奪取佳績。

Dr. Paul Hill 簡介>>>


1. Vocabulary 1000 for CE Students [下載 Free Download]

2. AS Level Vocabulary 200 and Exercise [下載 Free Download]

3. AS Level - UE Writing Lecture 1 [下載 Free Download]

4. CE Paper 3 (Speaking) Lecture 1 [下載 Free Download]

Dr. Paull Hill 著作:

Dr. Paul Hill 著作不下 20 多本,包括曾極為暢銷之會考及高考英文科參考書、會考天書等。

AS Level 之代表作

1. "New Use of English Listening (Section A) Book Two"

2. "New Use of English Practical Skills for Work & Study (Section E) Book Two"

3. Super-UE Listening Comprehension for AS-Level

HKCEE 之代表作

1. New Integrated English (Third Edition) Book Four and Five

2. Masters' Series 名師系列 HKCE English Paper One, Two, Three and Four

3. An Instant Approach to English Grammar for HKCEE & AS-Level Students

4. An Instant Approach to English Grammar Practice for HKCEE & AS-Level Students

香港首位英文科 CD-ROM 教育光碟作者

1. An Instant Approach to Advanced Vocabulary for Senior Forms

2. An Instant Approach to Vocabulary for HKCEE

3. F1 English for Hong Kong Secondary School Series

4. F2 English - Listening & Usage for Hong Kong Secondary School

5. F3 English - Comprehension & Usage for Hong Kong Secondary School

Dr. Paull Hill 部份著作: